Common (City) Council Approved Evansville Complete Streets Ordinance G-2021-17 !

Evansville, IN, October 27, 2021 – The Evansville Trails Coalition’s (ETC) Complete Streets Initiative for inclusive active transportation policies has been a success! The Evansville Common (City) Council members, Ben Trockman, Zac Heronemus, Ron Beane, Alex Burton, Kaitlyn Moore Morely, Jonathan Weaver, Jim Brinkmeyer, Missy Mosby, and Justin Elpers voted unanimously to adopt the Evansville Complete Streets Ordinance G-2021-17, Monday, October 25, 2021. This transformative ordinance will support improved streets to safely and conveniently accommodate numerous modes of transportation for a safer, more accessible multimodal community for everyone.

Through public and private partnerships, Ordinance G-2021-17 was developed through extensive work to establish a standard for infrastructure improvements that support inclusivity, and quality of place for all people who live, work, go to school, and recreate in Evansville. ETC’s Evansville Complete Streets Initiative has been supported by several partners, including, AARP Indiana, American Heart Association of Indiana, Talent 2025, Health by Design, Welborn Baptist Foundation, Healthy Communities Partnership, Evansville Metropolitan Planning Organization, and many more.

Partnering with City Council members, Ben Trockman and Zac Heronemus, ETC staff, board, and steering committee members worked to assist the city with developing an equitable plan featuring feasibility options that improve safety, access and will help connect community members to places and opportunities in Evansville. Ordinance G-2021-17 provides the considerations for pedestrians, cyclists, and people with disabilities by supporting incremental changes that recognize people from all backgrounds, abilities, and all socioeconomic statuses who use alternative modes of transportation.

Adoption of the Evansville Complete Streets Ordinance G-2021-17 fulfills our need to institutionalize planning and construction of public rights-of-way to accommodate users regardless of their background, age or disability—ensuring our community builds upon its existing assets, becoming an even healthier, and safer place to live!

 The Evansville Trails Coalition is Evansville’s only trails, pedestrian and bicycle advocacy nonprofit organization.


“We connect people and places, promote active lifestyles, and advocate for the development of multi-use trails.”